Please find below an overview of the finalised public (fully open) deliverables:
D2.1 Handbook for User Engagement in OMEGA-X Use Case Families (09/23)
The complete deliverable itself is not open for the public, but the handbook itself is. This handbook for user engagement, is a first outline for an integrated humancentred approach to OMEGA-X. The handbook is particularly targeted at the Use Case Family and Pilot level of the OMEGA-X project but strives for transferability. Therefore, it will
- build on the learnings from the BRIDGE initiative, OMEGA-X sister projects, as well as other relevant projects and initiatives.
- outline principles and practices for stakeholder engagement and empowerment of users in the energy transition.
- identify potential sociocultural barriers for both data sharing across sectors and actors, and for the implementation of solutions and services in and across the various pilot sites.
- assist the Use Case Families/pilots in developing and implementing pathways to achieve societal impact.
D3.4 Data analytic services and requirements related to interoperability, security, privacy and data sovereignty (31/10/2022)
This report provides an initial definition of the data analytic services developed within the OMEGA-X framework, benefitting from a European Energy Data Space. Also, this deliverable sets the grounds of the project architecture, focusing on essential requirements for Data Spaces such as interoperability, security, privacy and data sovereignty and governance. The impact of these requirements in the final architecture is also studied as well as some promising technologies that can satisfy the aforementioned requirements. The report’s primary audience is the partners involved in the four Use Case families of the project, from service developers to pilots. The document describes every service and presents the data needs of each of them, which should be matched by the pilots. Also, with a clear image of every service, Business Use Cases (BUCs) and System Use Cases (SUCs) will be outlined.
D3.5 KPIs applicable in OMEGA-X (30/06/2023)
The project will define a series of metrics (technical, functional, impact-oriented) against which the realization of the use cases and the implementation of the reference architecture in the various pilot sites will be validated. The assessment of these metrics, to be done in the validation phase of the project, will provide interesting insights for a diverse set of stakeholders. The outcome of this is documented in this deliverable, which main objective is to identify and define the OMEGA-X Use Case Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which will support the monitoring and assessment procedure of the demonstrators and project activities.
D4.1 Data ingestion, Common Information Model and semantic interoperability (31/10/2023)
This deliverable documents the implementation for OMEGA-X federated infrastructure of the needed data adapters, tailored to the demo case requirements, and the agreement and implementation of a Common Information Model ruling the data exchange in the Data Space. Key models/ontologies are reviewed (PLATOON/SEDMOON, BD4OPEM, Interconnect using ETSI SAREF, SARGON, SEAS, IEC CIM, and DLSM-COSEM, IEC 61850). Ontologies such as Interconnect and SEDMOON are mapped to the OMEGA-X Common Semantic Data Model (CSDM). OMEGA-X Common Semantic Data Model (CSDM) is detailed: methodology, interaction models, glossary of terms and competency questions designed through four use case family workshops (flexibility, renewable, local energy community, and electromobility).
D5.1 Marketplace Design 27/10/2023
The goals of this report are to present the primary version of the OMEGA-X Marketplace for data and services, provide a detailed overview of the functionalities included in this primary version, analyse the Marketplace architecture and provide a second iteration on the data analytic services and digital twins. Furthermore, this report includes a presentation of the identity management and security of the Marketplace, an introduction to the vocabulary that will be employed within the Marketplace and an introduction to the underlying infrastructure monitoring services.
D7.1 Plan for the dissemination and exploitation including communication activities and online presence (31/10/2022)
The present document provides a framework for maximising the impact of the work and results of OMEGA-X as described in the project Description of the Action. At the core of this plan are two activities: communication and dissemination.
D7.2 Communication, exploitation, standards and engagement activities (30/04/2023)
This deliverable serves as a continuation to D7.1 “Communication and Dissemination plan” which provided a framework for maximising the impact of the work and results of OMEGA-X. D7.2 is providing the evolution and results of the communication plan and dissemination methods that took place in the first year of the project. It includes the work as well initiated in T7.4 (exploitation) and T7.5 (standards).