This paper, published by the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA), provides a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing activities towards the deployment of data spaces in the energy sector, with a specific focus on interoperability. The paper includes chapters dedicated to the Reference Architecture of Energy Projects, including the OMEGA-X Reference Architecture.
The current digitalization of the energy systems is being described and the paper highlights the demanding requirements of time resolutions when deploying real-time operations. A preliminary conclusion is that standards are fundamental to interoperate devices from different manufacturers while avoiding vendor lock-in, enhancing scalability, and ensuring data protection and cybersecurity.
The paper separately analyzes the technical and semantic aspects of interoperability. The main challenge for the energy domain is the enormous variety of devices, assets, and applications. It is therefore necessary to place additional effort on the harmonization of ontologies and data models (starting from well-established solutions as CIM).
Download the full report here