On January 30th and 31st OMEGA-X partners gathered for the fourth time to discuss the project’s progress, align and agree on next steps. The meeting was hosted by partner RINA in their Genoa (Italy) offices, with an amazing view on the city and seaside.

The meeting kicked off with the feedback of the successful mid-term project review with the Commission conducted in Brussels a few days before. The review confirmed the chosen paths, the quality of the work done and the significant progress made and provided a full load of good energy and vipes to continue the project on the same foot and deliver an energy data space that enables multiple actors sharing data and services while ensuring privacy, security and sovereignty towards the end of the project.
The project delved also into the technical side of the action, on the ongoing development of modules to shape the OMEGA-X data space and the marketplace, as well as getting closer to mature APIs and Data Models. Special attention was paid to services validation: the alignment with pilots and their representatives is paramount to the success of the project.
During the meeting workshops on standardisation and business models were discussed as well as reinforcing the impact of the project and disseminating its work and learnings to ensure its sustainability.
The plenary meeting had this time a special item on the agenda devoted to personnel. Last year the project sadly lost Alzennyr Gomes Da Silva (EDF).. she was way too young to go. The partners took a moment to commemorate her. Also we welcomed in January our new project coordinator, Arturo Medela (Eviden), who has the tough task of replacing Javier Valiño, who did an amazing job since the very beginning of the project.
Next in line, Maia (Portugal), where OMEGA-X consortium will meet in June and where we will visit also the OMEGA-X pilot sites. Great things coming our way!