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Enlit Europe’s podcast features OMEGA-X

ENLIT publishes weekly a new podcast presenting Europe’s key energy projects. In the last week of March the EU Projects Zone podcast published an interview with Javier Valino, coordinator of OMEGA-X.

Enlit Europe

Enlit Europe gathers every year the most relevant energy actors together in a big event. The European Commission projects zone has become a regular spot in the event, where energy R&D project showcase their findings and results, under the umbrella of CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency and BRIDGE. During this event a serie of interviews has been recorded and ENLIT Europe publishes weekly a new podcast presenting Europe’s key energy projects.


In the last week of March the EU Projects Zone podcast published an interview with Javier Valino, coordinator of OMEGA-X. The interview between reporter Areti Ntaradimou and Javier Valino, coordinator of OMEGA-X provides more insights in OMEGA-X , it’s aim and approaches.

The primary goal of OMEGA-X’s reference architecture relies on deriving appropriate requirements for sound, secured and trusted data trading.

Technology aside, the idea for us is to prove the benefits for everybody to share data, even if they are small data owners such as prosumers or large utilities,” says Javier Valino.

This is a much-needed operation since large amounts of valuable data are available in energy systems but are often underused. There is no single data platform, for example, connecting data from Europe’s electricity sector’s generation, transmission, distribution and consumption domains or across the various energy vectors – electricity, gas, heat, etc.
The barriers also imply the lack of proper mechanisms and policies that ensure secure, sovereign and fair data sharing according to the projects “manifesto”.

Therefore, it makes sense that the EU Commission is looking for a single data market and projects like OMEGA-X are helping the commission achieve that goal. How?

The project is collaborating with other data space projects working on the same topic to maximize potential. We are always making sure that whatever we are doing is interoperable with whatever they are doing” indicates Javier Valino. “Ultimately, in the following years, we will be testing how our data providers or service providers will be able to register, login, etc. on the other data spaces”.

Listen to the complete interview and find out how OMEGA-X will help users achieve data sovereignty, the ability of a given actor (corporate or person) to act as self-determined for its own data: